Madir Shah – Stadhuisplein 11 Stadhuisplein 3811 LM Amersfoort Tue, 27 Aug 2024 08:49:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Madir Shah – Stadhuisplein 11 Stadhuisplein 3811 LM Amersfoort 32 32 “Winners Groenewoud, Tilburg” Europan 17 – Living Cities Mon, 04 Dec 2023 11:15:58 +0000

Groenewoud, Tilburg

Dormant green suburb to future-proof living

The City of Tilburg seeks opportunities in the combination of accommodating its growth and reactivating urban life in peripheral postwar neighborhoods.

The aim is to attract and retain residents, in particular young generations, to improve the socioeconomic status, to diversify the composition of population and to stimulate healthy and productive suburban living.

Densification is part of the city’s strategy, but to make city districts like Groenewoud twenty-first century proof a new mix of functions is crucial to spark socially coherent milieus and to create solutions for the climate adaptability.

The City of Tilburg believes that the regeneration of the central area in such districts together with the local residents is key to setting climate transition in motion.

Jury comments

The jury acknowledges the high caliber of submissions in the competition, showcasing innovative approaches to urban development.

The winning project, Bricolage City (AE265), impressively integrates work and living spaces while maintaining a context-sensitive approach rooted in meticulous analysis. The harmonious densification of Groenewoud, in line with the garden city typology, demonstrates a commitment to preserving unique features and fostering resilience through strategic vegetation use.

The runner-up, Sub-urban Jungle (UR946), introduces a novel typology emphasizing the balance between private and public spaces. Its isolated islands within a green environment create an integrated landscape, although potential gentrification concerns are recognized. The project establishes a strong relationship between elements while prompting considerations about predominantly interior-focused views.

The special mention, Emerging Groenewoud (YM283), strategically employs densification, preserving green spaces and envisioning a dynamic mixed-use community. The proposed program addresses diverse community needs, with ongoing discussions about specific aspects, such as the inclusion of terraced houses atop a car park.


Bricolage City (AE265)
Authors: Laura Izzo (IT), architect, Alessandro de Cadilhac (IT), architect, Lorenzo Gaveglio (IT), architect
Team location: Santiago de Compostela , Spain


Sub-urban Jungle (UR946)
Authors: Margit van Schaik (NL), architect, Jesper Baltussen (NL), architect
Team location: Rotterdam , Netherlands

Special mention

Emerging Groenewoud (YM283)
Authors: Yue Shen (CN), architect urbanist, Xiaojie Huang (CN), architect, Xijie Ma (CN), architect
Team location: Rotterdam , Netherlands

“Winners ‘T Zoet, Breda” Europan 17 – Living Cities Mon, 04 Dec 2023 10:15:48 +0000

‘T Zoet, Breda

‘Cultural quarter’ at the river Mark

The City of Breda seeks opportunity to develop large-scale urban area within the city border and close to the historical center. The ambition is to make Breda a highly urbanized, international, and connected city by 2040.

The housing challenge and anticipating climate change in ‘t Zoet serve as a lever to address the challenges of energy transition, smart mobility, biodiversity, health, circular economy and climate adaptation. Most of the 25,000 homes that Breda plans to build by 2040 will be located in the city center.

In ‘t Zoet, there is an potential to build between 4,000 and 6,000 homes. ‘t Zoet is designated to become be a complementary, inclusive, energy-neutral and international living and working environment and will be elaborated in conjunction with the water, nature and climate ambitions of Zoete Delta and the mobility challenges associated with Breda and the region.

Jury comments

The jury applauds the outstanding submissions in the competition, showcasing diverse and innovative approaches to urban development.

The winning project, StrataScapes (XJ414), stands out for its emphasis on process and strategy, promoting sustainable practices through the introduction of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT). Despite its strategic focus, the design exudes creativity and playfulness, offering potential for inventive solutions and contributing to an industrial ambiance.

The runner-up, BLIJ-DA (LR826), is recognized for its welcoming and versatile design, conceived as a recognizable destination for both locals and visitors. The intentional incorporation of open and “undefined” spaces fosters adaptability, creativity, and an iconic potential, marked by cheerful and vibrant urban expression.

The special mention, BACK TO THE FUTURE (FQ248), distinguishes itself with an authentic commitment to ecology. Prioritizing sustainability, the project’s focus on ecological considerations along the River Mark and its emphasis on coexistence with nature and community contribute to its standout qualities.


Strata-scapes (XJ414)
Authors: Izabela Słodka (PL), architect, Federica Zatta (IT), landscape architect
Team location: Rotterdam , Netherlands


Authors: Shuangyun Chen (CN), landscape architect, You Wu (CN), urban planner
Team location: Rotterdam , Netherlands

Special mention

Authors: Maria Vittoria Tesei (IT), architect urbanist, Flavio Martella (IT), architectural and urban theorist
Team location: Madrid , Spain

“Winners Schorsmolen, Breda” Europan 17 – Living Cities Mon, 04 Dec 2023 09:15:44 +0000

Schorsmolen, Breda

Socially connected and climate adaptive

From the perspective of Breda, Schorsmolen presents an opportunity to transform a fragmented urban fabric into a vibrant and cohesive neighborhood. The vision is to create a mixed-use, socially inclusive, and sustainable neighborhood that celebrates its diversity and history.

To achieve this, local housing corporations can play a crucial role in testing and implementing new forms of collective living concepts, which can enhance social cohesion and create more affordable housing options. it is important to involve and empower the local community through participatory design and planning.

Climate adaptation also needs to be taken into consideration, green infrastructure and sustainable design practices that promote resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change and become an integral, connected and attractive part of Breda and beyond.

Jury comments

The jury commends the outstanding projects in the Schorsmolen competition, each presenting innovative solutions for urban development.

“I’ll See You in Middelplein!” clinched the winning position by strategically employing selective demolition, creating a new central area with aquapuncture-like interventions, and implementing a thoughtful densification strategy. Realistic interventions such as decks, shared courtyards, and redesigned streets demonstrate a comprehensive approach, combining architectural and urban design elements for a holistic transformation of the urban environment.

The runner-up, “Open Up Schorsmolen!” impresses with its emphasis on waterfront quality and a straightforward densification strategy, enhancing urban density and functionality. The project maintains a strong commitment to legible neighborhoods, ensuring clear structure and organization while fostering diversity in co-creation.

The special mention, “Nurturing Schorsmolen,” stands out for its detailed phasing plan and small-scale interventions, promoting adaptability and connectivity without imposing restrictions. The addition of two bridges enhances accessibility and movement, showcasing an effective strategy for both short-term and long-term urban development.


Authors: Giacomo Gallo (IT), architect, Catarina Breia Dias (PT), architect
Team location: Amsterdam , Netherlands


Open Up Schorsmolen! (VR948)
Authors: Corné Strootman (NL), landscape architect
Team location: Rotterdam , Netherlands

Special mention

Nurturing Schorsmolen (DD641)
Authors: Stefano Agliati (IT), architect urbanist, Mathias Gorz (PL), architect urbanist, Ganesh Babu Ramaiah Perumalsamy (IN), architect urbanist
Team location: Rotterdam , Netherlands

“Winners Kenniskwartier, Tilburg” Europan 17 – Living Cities Mon, 04 Dec 2023 08:15:09 +0000

Kenniskwartier, Tilburg

Mixuse urban icon for the knowledge economy

The City of Tilburg seeks opportunities to accommodate its growth in the existing city. Densification of urban voids, in particular the ones near a public transport hub, with a strategic position in the city are a part of this strategy. 

This type of development is ideally suited to catalyze new  interaction milieus, since it offers the opportunity to implement a new work-and-live program connecting citizens with all sorts of backgrounds, knowledge and skills levels, various economic status and other ‘resources’ that are already present in the surroundings. 

The project area at center of the ‘Kenniskwartier’ is an urban void that is at the intersection of multiple neighborhoods with diverse urban dynamics, which offer opportunity to development iconic circular knowledge oriented milieus to be established in Tilburg.

Jury comments

The Kenniskwartier submissions in the Europan competition exhibit a rich tapestry of innovative urban development concepts.

The winning project, “SYMBIOSIS,” takes center stage with its strategic distribution of a mixed-use program, fostering diversity and functionality within the block. Its commitment to striking and innovative design, including contrasting plazas and expansive shared spaces, highlights a dedication to pushing architectural boundaries. Despite potential challenges, the project leverages deep floor plates for unique programming opportunities, emphasizing interconnectedness and collaborative workspaeces as integral elements.

The runner-up, “Density: Mode d’emploi,” charms with its captivating and optimistic urban composition. The Super Block, organized around a picturesque lake, forms a harmonious urban layout that revolves around the water feature. The central podium serves as a vibrant hub, hosting public activities and contributing to an interconnected urban space.

Special mentions “An Unexpected Neighbor” and “Wonen is een recht” add further depth to Kenniskwartier’s narrative. The former stands out for its detailed design addressing noise issues, fostering community interaction, and serving as a catalyst for West Tilburg. The latter, aligned with human rights principles, positions itself as an architectural exploration committed to innovative housing solutions.


Authors: Nicolas Gustin (BE), architect, Przemyslaw Witkowski (PL), architect, Miguel Serrano (ES), architect
Team location: Paris, France


Density: Mode d’emploi (FE896)
Authors: Davide Casaletto (IT), architect, Antonino Caridi (IT), architect
Team location: Potenza, Italy

Special mention

An Unexpected Neighbor (BH301)
Authors: Italo de Vroom (NL), architect, Martijn Dahrs (NL), architect, Nick Boer (NL), architect
Team location: Schiedam, Netherlands

Special mention

Wonen is een recht (XW990)
Authors: Matthijs la Roi (NL), architect, Simone Tchonova (BG), architect
Team location: London, United Kingdom

“Winners Etten-Leur” Europan 17 – Living Cities Mon, 04 Dec 2023 04:15:16 +0000


From consumption-only to resilient mixed-use

The City of Etten-Leur seeks opportunities in the combination of accommodating its growth and reactivating urban life in the shopping center.

The aim is to redevelop the large consumption-only shopping experience to a more mix-use locally rooted experience which will become a cozy “Central living-room” for everyone, embedded in existing historical character of Etten-Leur.

Densification is part of the city’s strategy. Transforming city district that are currently reliant on mono-functional shopping and consumption into a circular production and healthy consumption hub, creating economically stable environments fit for the twenty-first century. This can be enhanced by adding high-quality, climate-resilient new homes and other facilities that attract and retain residents and stimulate healthy and productive mid-sized city living.

Jury comments

The jury commends the outstanding submissions for the Etten-Leur competition, showcasing inventive urban development approaches.

Securing the winning position, “Future Nostalgia” presents a comprehensive strategy that reinforces the existing structure, emphasizing long-term evolution. The project introduces vertical diversity and balanced density, optimizing space utilization. However, concerns about potential overproduction on the ground floor underscore the necessity for meticulous coordination with the city and clients to navigate engineering complexities for the successful realization of this ambitious project.

As the runner-up, “Sale Ends Today” prioritizes the usability of ground floor spaces, emphasizing coverage and accessibility. The phased development approach respects the initial footprint of the shopping center and adapts to the changing culture of shopping. While proposing a transition from consumption-focused to living-based experiences, the project maintains a distinct separation between housing and commercial sections.

The jury did not choose any special mention for this location.


future nostalgia (NT565)
Authors: Francesco Conti (IT), architect, Edoardo Quattrucci (IT), architect, Riccardo Bettini (IT), architect, Sarah Gjergo (IT), architect
Team location: Porto San Giorgio , Italy


Sale Ends Today (GD869)
Authors: Iago Pineda (ES), architect, Andrea Las Hayas (ES), architect Collaborators: Leire Blanco (ES), architect, Inés Clavell (ES), architect
Team location: Barcelona , Spain

“Winners Waalwijk” Europan 17 – Living Cities Mon, 04 Dec 2023 02:15:12 +0000


New mobility hub at the heart of Waalwijk

Waalwijk is fastest growing city in all of Brabant. This is a great incentive to facilitate the further development of companies in direct surroundings. This quantitative and qualitative leap requires that Waalwijk is an integral part of the larger urban network with good regional connections. Waalwijk urgently needs to accommodate its growth and establish a strong network hub embedded directly in the beautiful historical city center.

Densification is part of the city’s strategy, the aim is to develop an extension to the existing city center which can become a vibrant mix-use urban area, synergistic programs which attract residents, in particular people who work in the logistics businesses, improves the image of waalwijk, diversify the composition of population and to stimulate healthy and productive living and business environment for future.

Jury comments

The jury commends the exemplary submissions in the Waalwijk competition, showcasing remarkable urban innovation.

The winning project, “Belts and Hats,” is celebrated for its transformative ideas on connectivity, introducing a growth strategy with distinctive belts for connection and densification. The project includes three distinct belts—the landscape belt, commercial belt, and dynamic belt. The phased approach demonstrates a thoughtful, long-term vision for Waalwijk’s development.

The runner-up, “Climate Safari,” brings a fresh and playful perspective to urban composition, displaying adaptability and flexibility. The tech-oriented approach, treating buildings as climate machines, and the diverse program contribute to the project’s significance in enhancing urban diversity for Waalwijk.

The special mention, “Infranature,” is recognized for its intentional simplicity and achievability. Acting as an anti-hub, the project’s lightweight design, conceptualized with a long building, temporary parking structure, and bridge garden, emphasizes movement and connectivity.


About belts and hats (AS654)
Authors: Joaquim Olea Fernández (ES), architect, Mireia Martín Salvanyà (ES), architect
Collaborators: Olímpia Solà Inaraja (ES), architect
Team location: Girona , Spain


Authors: Luis Navarro Jover (ES), architect, Carlos Sánchez García (ES), architect Collaborators: Nuria Martínez Martínez (ES), architect, Jonathan Berna Amorós (ES)
Team location: Novelda , Spain

Special mention

Authors: Andrei Barbu (RO), architect, Alexandru Moldovan (RO), architect, Ioana Cojocaru (RO), architect. Collaborators: Ioana Radulescu (RO), philosopher, Alice Georgescu (RO), architect, Danut Mario Cacu (RO), architect
Team location: Bruxelles , Belgium

Professional Jury – Europan17 Sun, 03 Dec 2023 05:30:15 +0000

9 Member Professional Jury

Bart van der Vossen (NL)
Directeur Ruimte at Gemeente Utrecht, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands (
Don Murphy (NL)
Founder VMX Architects, Supervisor Schiphol Municipality of Amsterdam and Eindhoven (
François Chas (FR)
NP2F Architects, Paris (
Johan de Wachter (BE/NL)
Founding partner at 2DVW Architecten, Owner at JDWA, Associate professor KTU (LT) (
Martin Sobota (DE/NL)
Architect, Founding Partner CITYFÖRSTER, Rotterdam (
Marieke Kums (NL)
Founder STUDIO MAKS, Rotterdam, Professor at Leibniz University Hannover (
Peter Veenstra (NL)
Founder, Landscape architect at Lola landscape architects, Netherlands (
Stephanie Bru (FR)
Principal at BRUTHER / Stéphanie Bru & AlexandreTheriot, Greater Paris Metropolitan Region (
Huub Kloosterman (NL)
Founder Urban Xchange, co-founder The Dutch Mountains Eindhoven (

Oliver Thill (NL) (substitute jury member)
Owner of Atelier Kempe Thill architects and planners (
Tania Concko (NL) (substitute jury member)
Founding Director at TCAU / Tania Concko Architects Urbanists (

“Exploring Sites” Europan 17 – Living Cities Thu, 06 Apr 2023 19:34:57 +0000

learn more about each competition location, ask questions, and interact with site representatives.

Europan is the longest-running and largest design competition in Europe for architects under 40 years old. The 51 locations of Europan 17 model the issues that are currently playing out in many parts of Europe. The Urban Region Breda-Tilburg (SRBT) is the host region for Europan 17 in the Netherlands. In the SRBT, nineteen municipalities, four water authorities, the province of Noord-Brabant, and the national government are collaborating on the sustainable development of the region. The region is participating with six locations (Groenewoud and Kenniskwartier in Tilburg, ‘t Zoet and Schorsmolen in Breda, the shopping center in Etten-Leur, and the Taxandriaweg in Waalwijk).

DAY PROGRAM |Thursday 20 April 

During the day, competition participants will go on an excursion to visit the six locations and receive an in-depth explanation of the assignments. This will be followed by a Q&A session with project leaders representing the participating municipalities. The day will conclude with a public symposium, organized in collaboration with BLASt and CAST.

Site Visits | 9.30 – 12:30
LocHal, Burgemeester Brokxlaan 1000, Tilburg (

Site visits are open to all interested participants who want to learn more about each competition location, ask questions, and interact with site representatives. Please ensure that you arrive before 10:00 AM.After a brief introduction, each group will depart with their respective site representative to visit the competition locations, which include Groenewoud and Kenniskwartier in Tilburg, ‘t Zoet and Schorsmolen in Breda, the shopping center in Etten-Leur, and the Taxandriaweg in Waalwijk.

Insightful Workshops  | 16.00-18:00
MotMot gallery, Belcrumweg 19, Breda (

In the afternoon, we will reconvene at MotMot Gallery in Breda for six parallel workshops, where participants will have the opportunity to further deepen their understanding of the sites and competition assignments in detail with the site representatives.

Symposium Living Cities | 19:30-21:15 (room opens at 19:00)
MotMot gallery, Belcrumweg 19, Breda (

During the evening program, which is open to everyone, we will delve deeper into the importance of the SRBT and competitions such as Europan, as well as the six locations and their corresponding themes. We will talk to:

Bas van der Pol (Alderman of the Municipality of Tilburg) and Bas van Rijsbergen (Director of Urban Development of the Municipality of Breda) about the value and strength of Europan for the participating municipalities.

Ton Venhoeven (VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism) will give a Keynote presentation on Living Cities.

Peter van Schie (Urban Planner of the Municipality of Breda) and Marco Visser (Urban Planner of the Municipality of Tilburg) will discuss the significance of participating in Europan for the SRBT.

Sabine Lebesque (Europan NL) with a brief introduction on Europan. What is Europan, and what does it stand for?

We will conclude the evening with a panel discussion in which we further delve into themes such as broad prosperity, new urbanity, and mobility.

The presentation and moderation will be conducted by Sophie Stravens. The language used for this evening will be English.

E17 – Living Cities – 6 prototypical sites Launched Mon, 27 Mar 2023 10:13:13 +0000

Dear Europan competitors,

Europan NL and the Stedelijke Regio Breda Tilburg (SRBT) are proud to announce six locations in the region for Europan 17. These sites have been and designated as “prototypical development sites” due to their unique characteristics. We are confident that these sites will provide a challenging and exciting context for the competition. The municipalities of Breda, Tilburg, Etten-Leur and Waalwijk believe that these locations hold tremendous potential for innovative and impactful design solutions.

E17 – Groenewoud, Tilburg Sat, 25 Mar 2023 20:45:44 +0000

Dormant green suburb to future-proof living

The challenge is to propose a transformation strategy for the dormant green heart of Groenewoud into a socially connected, climate resilient architecture and ecologically thriving suburban living, at the same time which offering guidance for the wider area framework to be transformed into a future-proof garden city of the twenty-first century.

Dear Europan competitors,

Europan NL and the Stedelijke Regio Breda Tilburg (SRBT) are proud to announce six locations in the region for Europan 17. These sites have been and designated as “prototypical development sites” due to their unique characteristics. We are confident that these sites will provide a challenging and exciting context for the competition. The municipalities of Breda, Tilburg, Etten-Leur and Waalwijk believe that these locations hold tremendous potential for innovative and impactful design solutions. 
